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Song Lyrics & Figurative Language

Many people LOVE music but don't like poetry. Have you ever thought about how song lyrics are just like poems?

For this assignment, you will be analyzing 1-2 songs of your choosing and looking for figurative language in the lyrics. Please look at the requirements listed below AND use my example as a guide.

1. Choose 1-2 songs that you like. I do not care what they are, but the lyrics you choose to write in your blog do need to be school appropriate. :)
2. Find 4 different examples of figurative language in your song's lyrics. If you are using 2 different songs, you can find 2 examples in one and 2 in the other.
3. For each example of figurative language, you need to say WHAT figurative language technique it is, WHAT the lyrics are that it appears in, and WHY it fits for that technique.
Please please please please use my example for what it can look like!


Song: "Fireflies" by Owl City
"If ten million fireflies // Lit up the world as I fell asleep // Cause they fill the open air // And leave teardrops everywhere"
These lyrics show personification because fireflies cannot cry and leave teardrops everywhere, that is something a human can do.

"Cause I'd get ten thousand hugs // From ten thousand lightning bugs"
These lyrics show hyperbole because it would be actually impossible to get 10,000 hugs from 10,000 lightning bugs.

Song: "Sunflower" by Post Malone
"You're the sunflower"
This lyric compares someone to a sunflower. It does NOT use "like" or "as", so it is not a simile.

Song: "Rockstar" by Nickelback
"I want a brand new house on an episode of Cribs"
This lyric is an example of an allusion because it references Cribs, which was a popular MTV show in the 2000s.


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