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Avoiding Plagiarism by using DIRECT QUOTES

1)  What are 4 sentence starters to give credit to an author?

2)  Summarize the article in 2-5 sentences and include a direct quote to give an example of a negative effect of the government shutdown on national parks:

Under shutdown, "closed" national parks are basically wide open

By Washington Post, adapted by Newsela staff
Text Level 8
Word Count 919
Large groups continued to pour into Joshua Tree National Park in California on December 30, 2018, despite the federal government's partial shutdown. Park officials kept the gates to the park open over the holiday weekend, allowing visitors to enter without paying the $30-per-vehicle entrance fee. Photo by: Washington Post photo/Nick Kirkpatrick
Large groups continued to pour into Joshua Tree National Park in California on December 30, 2018, despite the federal government's partial shutdown. Park officials kept the gates to the park open over the holiday weekend, allowing visitors to enter without paying the $30-per-vehicle entrance fee. Photo by: Washington Post photo/Nick Kirkpatrick
The U.S. government entered a partial shutdown on December 22. The shutdown began because of a dispute about whether Congress should provide money to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. Now 800,000 government workers either can't work or can't be paid for their work until the shutdown ends.
The shutdown has left America's national parks largely unsupervised. No one is at the gate. No one is collecting a fee. The visitor centers are closed. There are some law enforcement and emergency workers on site, but certainly nothing as standard as a park ranger who can answer a question.
People are streaming into the parks, enjoying the free access, but they're finding trash cans overflowing and restrooms locked. Vault toilets are not serviced, and there's hardly a flush toilet to be found anywhere.
At California's Joshua Tree National Park, in particular, conditions are declining.
"Once those port-a-potties fill up there's no amount of cleaning that will save them," said Sabra Purdy. Along with her husband, Seth, she owns the rock-climbing guide service Cliffhanger Guides in the town of Joshua Tree.


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