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Showing posts from January, 2018

Shark Tank -- Commercial

Shark Tank--Commercial 1)  Write an 8th grade quality paragraph explaining the persuasive techniques you used in the Commercial for your product/service.  (You should have incorporated a minimum of  2 different  persuasive techniques.) 2)  Add a link to your commercial.

Shark Tank -- Ad Poster

Shark Tank--Ad Poster 1)  Write an 8th grade quality paragraph explaining the persuasive techniques you used in your Ad Poster for your product/service.  (You should have incorporated a minimum of  2 different  persuasive techniques.) 2)  Add a picture of your poster.

Shark Tank -- Logo & Slogan

Shark Tank-- Logo & Slogan 1)  Write an 8th-grade quality paragraph explaining how you incorporated Transfer in your Logo (What symbol did you use and how does it relate to your product/service?) AND the persuasive technique used in your Slogan . 2)  Add a picture of your Logo & Slogan.

Fresh Start

2nd Semester is a fresh start.  Reflect on what went well 1st semester and what did  not  go so well 1st semester.  What goals do you have for the rest of the school year?  What would you like to accomplish ( #Achieve ) before the end of the school year? Remember to write an  interesting  8th grade quality response with  details .

What 'doo' people value?

Entrepreneurs keep our world turning providing innovation and creativity.  Many people make a living this way, and without some of their inventions, we would not have a lot of things we are used to. You probably don't like or want manure--even specially-composted manure like "Dairy Doo."  Brad Morgan probably doesn't like the same music as you do.  What does this say about the things people value?  How does this lead to trade/exchange? **Write an interesting 8th-grade quality response.**

3 Types of Thinking

What are the 3 Types of Thinking? Explain and give an example of each one.    

Avoiding Plagiarism #3

Avoiding Plagiarism #3 1)  List as many steps for summarizing as you can remember. 2)  List as many tips for paraphrasing as you can remember. 3)  Paraphrase/summarize the following paragraph.   The black part of your eye is called the pupil.  Its job is to let the right amount of light into your eye so you can see.  If you are in the bright sun, your pupil will be small because there is plenty of light.  If you are in a dark room, it will get big to let in as much light as it can. by Sammy Sightseer; "All About Eyes" 

Avoiding Plagiarism -- PARAPHRASE

1)  List as many tips for paraphrasing as you can remember. 2)  Paraphrase the following paragraph.  There are about 4,000 different species of frogs.  Frogs have adapted to live in many different climates.  They can live in the cool mountains, in the dry desert, or in tropical rainforests.  Most frogs are harmless, but the poison dart frog of South America is one of the most toxic animals on the planet! By Freddy Froglover; "Frog Life"

Avoiding Plagiarism by SUMMARIZING

1)  List as many steps to avoid plagiarism by summarizing as you can remember. 2)  Summarize the following paragraph: I n the movies, quicksand looks pretty scary, but in real-life it is rarely more than a few feet deep.  If you are ever caught in a pool of quicksand, don’t panic and kick around.  The best thing you can do is to lay back with your arms spread.  Then you will float on top of the sand instead of being sucked down. by Sandy Sanderson; New York Times

Christmas Vacation

Write about something you did over Christmas break.  Make your writing more interesting by adding at least  2   similes  OR  metaphors ,  2  onomatopoeias ,  2  adjectives , and  2   adverbs . Remember :   Good Adjectives = Sensory Details