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Showing posts from October, 2017

Compound vs. Complex Sentences

1)  what is a:      compound sentence?     2)  What type of conjunctions are used in compound sentences? 3)  Give me 4 examples. 4) Write an example of a compound sentence. 5)  what is a:      complex sentence?     6)  What type of conjunctions are used in complex sentences? 7)  Give me 4 examples. 8) Write an example of a complex sentence.

Hometown Perspective

What is your perspective of where you live?  What do you like about it?  What don't you like about it?  Use details to help me understand the tone you are setting?  (Don't forget to tell me where you live.) What colors could help represent the tone you are trying to set and the mood you are trying to create? What kind of space--empty or full--might represent where you live? What song matches the tone and mood you are trying to set?


What is your interpretation of how things went with the sub on Friday?  What could have gone better? What could I do better to help things run smoothly with the sub? What will YOU do next time there is a sub?  Be specific.


Use ACE to write an 8th-grade quality response for the following prompt: WHY would it be more effective at times to use verbals (participles, gerunds, or infinitives) instead of normal phrases?

What does it mean?

Use ACE to write an 8th-grade quality response for the following prompt: WHAT does it mean to be an effective writer? Why do YOU need to be an effective writer?

Effective Writers

Use ACE to write an 8th-grade quality response for the following prompt: Why is it important to be an effective writer?


Reflect on a time you have experienced a tragedy, and think about how you felt.   How do you think the people of the Chicago Fire, Boston Marathon Bombing and 9/11 survivors felt?  How do you know?

RAFTS #2 - (Role)

Today you will be writing another crazy, creative RAFTS post.  Create your own RAFTS scenario or use the one below. Role Audience Format Topic Strong Verb Desk chair Mr. Duffy Letter I want out! Begging Strong Verb Examples: Plead Implore Wrangle Bellow Scold Bark Roar Criticize Chasten Admonish Reprimand Rabe Suggest

RAFTS #1- (Role)

R.A.F.T.S. --- Role Audience Format Topic Strong Verb Astronaut Your wife letter Won’t make it home in time for dinner AGAIN! Explaining Foot Your Body Letter How you feel at the end of the day Complaining Cowboy Songwriter Cattle Song/ Poem How much you love them Declaring Gladiator Romans Interview I am the best/ worst gladiator EVER! Describing